Native Northwest (Garfinkel)
Native Northwest (Garfinkel) | BC, Canada

Native Northwest’s story began over 38 years ago with a social worker, a rack of postcards, and the vision of building everyday connection to Indigenous cultures.
The values behind our brand originate with the founding reason for the company: Native arts and cultures, designed by Indigenous artists, built on a foundation of respect and authenticity. We tie authentic designs to bold, new concepts where artists can tell the stories of their communities and cultures through their distinct designs.
Native Northwest products are guided by the following principles:
- 100% of the art featured on Native Northwest products is designed by Indigenous artists
- All artists have provided consent and contractual permission for their art to be featured on Native Northwest products
- Artist names are acknowledged on all product packaging
- Cultural traditions are honoured by acknowledging cultural affiliation on product packaging
- Artists are paid in fees and royalties